Updates on Golden visa in the UAE

Publications Written by Marsel Shadmanov

The Golden visa is a long-term residence visa which enables foreign talents to live, and work or study in the UAE while enjoying exclusive benefits. These benefits include: 

Clock with solid fill

Long period of renewable residency (5 or 10 years) 

Family with boy with solid fill

Residency for spouse and children with no age limit 

Airplane with solid fill

No requirement for length of physical presence in the UAE 

Fingerprint with solid fill

Longer period of entry permit 

Briefcase with solid fill

No sponsor or employer required 

Diamond with solid fill

Prestigious title of a golden visa holder 

In April 2022 there has been updates regarding requirements for golden residency visa. The Federal Decree Law on Entry and Residence of Foreigners now provides for broader range of potential applicants for golden visa. Now the eligible groups include Investors, entrepreneurs, scientists, outstanding students and graduates, humanitarian pioneers and others. Below we explain in detail who can be considered eligible to apply for golden visa. 

Real-estate investors 

The owner of a property or a group of properties worth more than 2 mln AED can be granted a golden visa for a period of 5 years. To apply for such visa, an investor shall submit a letter from the real estate registration authority of a respective emirate stating that the investor owns one or more properties of required value and stating that the property is not subject to a loan. The value of these real estate investments is permitted to be a loan, but only for what exceeds the value of 2 mln AED. The family members of the Real Estate Investor (husband or wife and children from the category of unmarried daughters and unmarried sons) are granted a golden visa also for a period of 5 years. It should be noted that the golden visa process will be held by a land department of one of the emirates, depending on where the property is situated.  

Investment Fund Investors 

In contrast to real-estate investors, who can obtain only 5-year golden visa, equity and fund investors are eligible for 10-year golden visa. It is available for investor, whose investments in the UAE amounts to 2 mln AED or more. These investments may be in two forms: 

  • A deposit in the investment funds accredited in the UAE. Importantly to note, it is not possible to get 10-year investor visa only by having money on regular accounts. A potential applicant shall open an investment fund deposit in one of the local banks. The deposit shall be of minimum 2 mln AED and shall be also irrevocable for at least 2 years. Authorities will require an applicant to provide a confirmation from the bank. 
  • An ownership of an UAE entity with commercial or industrial license, where the memorandum of association mentions the paid-up capital to be not less than required investment amount 2 mln AED. Alternatively, an applicant can submit a letter from the UAE Federal Tax Authority stating that the investor is the owner of a company that pays the government taxes no less than 250 000 AED per year. 

The family members of the equity or fund investor are also granted a golden visa for a period of 10 years.  

Other eligible categories  

New amendments to the Federal Decree Law on Entry and Residence of Foreigners have also granted some other groups of people with a right to apply for a golden visa. For example, entrepreneurs can obtain a golden visa if they fulfil one of the following conditions: 

  • own or partner in a start-up registered as small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UAE, and the company generates annual revenues of not less than 1 mln AED;  
  • obtain an approval for a start-up idea from an official business incubator or from the Ministry of Economy or other competent local authorities; or 
  • must have founded an entrepreneurial project that was sold for a total amount of not less than 7 mln AED.   

Additionally, inventors, innovators, and exceptional talents in vital fields such as culture, art, sports and digital technology can obtain a golden visa regardless of their educational qualification, employment status, monthly salary or professional level. The visa requires a recommendation or approval from a federal or local government entity. 

Specific regulations apply to scientists and researchers with high achievements and influence in their field can get a golden visa based on a recommendation from the Emirates Scientists Council. A candidate should have a PhD or a Master's degree in one of the disciplines of engineering, technology, life sciences and natural sciences from the best universities in the world, as well as substantial research achievements. 

There are also some other groups of eligible candidates for golden visa. 

The process of obtainment of the golden visa is sophisticated and requires a lot of preparatory work. If you want to find out whether you are eligible for golden visa, please, contact us. We would be happy to assist you with permanent residence in the UAE.   

Marsel Shadmanov 

Head of Corporate Services at Garant Business Consultancy DMCC 

Phone +971 4 421 4335 

Email info@garant.ae